Having skipped grades and believing in them, I now have a daughter, whose birthday is late and is therefore one of the youngest in the class. I am working on accelerating her math but see that there are other ways, the grade level works. They start chess and Spanish in K, so she is catching up since she started in the school in grade 1.

She can do her weekly book reports on books she chooses, so she doesn't have to do it on grade level. I have found ways to boost her science with extra curricular.

What I do find, is that she is learning social skills. She does gravitate to kids in grade 2 at recess sometimes but there are all kinds of social things she seems to be learning with her classmates. Little social cues and relationship things that you sort of take for granted but happen at this age when you go to school with kids day in and day out.

So yes, the math has to be accelerated, otherwise she would be bonkers. And I can provide her with other things like science, piano and mandarin outside of school, which helps but school is not just about rote learning.

Yes, she does relate to older kids but it isn't the same and what she learns with her peers. I am probably not explaining well but it is a bunch of little things/

I skipped with a few peers and I like skipping grades with peers. I am not so fond of skipping grades without peers. There I find I lean towards pullouts.
