Thank you, Grinity, I am just trying to figure this all out. I homeschooled my 4 children in the past & just this year sent them to "school". As an entrance evaluation they took the MAP tests, Then again this fall. knew my son was bored in math and reading during most of class so I was wondering about moving him up and what the MAP scores meant. After last spring's math score of 257 and then the recent fall score this week of 257, they decided he finally could move up (after MUCH prodding)from 6th grade math to pre-algebra. Like I said, I really don't know much about these scores or what they mean, I just want to do the right thing for them. It's clear we have to initiate and investigate any possibility of level adjustment. He is in 6th grade and scored 238 on reading, 257 on math. I don't know how to differentiate from gifted to just plain hard work. Science and LA are next week some time. Coincidentally, his twin sister scored 235 in reading and 252 in math but is very shy and the whole "real school" situation is intimidating. She has no desire at all to move anywhere, much less up. I also need to be sensitive about the possibility that learning in the "brick" school environment may not be the same as learning at home. Because of that, I am very careful to not push too much and learn as much as I can about these scores and what they really mean. Lots of changes for our family. Clever to pick up on my frustration. It may just be me trying to adjust from complete control of their education to handing it over to someone else. Not sure.