Update: I spoke with DS' teacher. She is unwilling to skip him up a grade. She says he'll miss the small details that are needed. For example, he didn't know what a noun, verb or adjective was. I guess that's something easily learn though! I suggested condensing DS' curriculum to half a year instead of the full to get him to the 2nd grade. She seemed very reluctant. So... I tried another way in:

I've been advised by friend that I requested that under his 504 plan, DS would be assigned a private tutor in school. I tried that, the teacher said she'd never heard of it but, would look into it. I also asked that DS would be assessed regarding his delayed gross motor skills. If he does need help, perhaps that will be a gateway into an IEP plan? That might be better than the 504 for him.

I've SERIOUSLY considered homeschooling as well, however DS' an only child and many close friends and relatives steered me away because of socialization or lack there of. I know there are plenty of socializing options out there now, so I'm not as worried but, I'm working full-time and we definitely need the income