Hello, I have a DS age 6. He has been held back one year as suggested strongly by a Private School Principal due to his "emotional immaturity". He has always been bright but, quirky. We just had him tested finally, because he's bright but not globally gifted. He is quite asynchronous. He has delayed gross motor skills. At age 6, he still cannot catch a large ball, hop repetitively on one foot, nor skip. He can't dribble the basketball and has an awkward shuffling gait and a flailing run) He scored a 143 on the WISC IV. I still haven't received the breakdown subset numbers but, his visual spacial intelligence is through the roof according to the Psychologist.

Has any of you gone through a situation where your child has has a regression of skills after starting formal education? In our case, DS was doing mental arithmetic with double digits at 4. We asked him how he does it and he could never explain it. He loved doing math in his head and yet his methods baffled us. We'd write down math problems and was breezing through them and he loved it. So thinking it would be good for him, we took him to Kumon a year later and it's been a year now. He now has no confidence to do mental arithmetic. Now, he looks at it and says, "It's too hard Mom, I can't do it". He hates the repetition of the Kumon drills but, has finally learned to do them quickly. He's still stuck on doing simple addition, even though he understood the concepts of (+-*/) at the age of 3.5. He still LOVES word problem and we'll do them in long car rides. I'm guessing it's a confidence issue. My guess is to pull him out of Kumon. But, HOW do I help him regain that mental math processing he did with ease??? I feel like I've failed him.

He's focused his efforts on reading now and is reading everything and anything he thinks looks interesting. He's in 1st grade and is reading at a a 5th~6th grade level. His school is trying to accommodate him but, he is put in the back to do a self-study while the other children learn how to read, "cat, rat, and, the, if , it" etc. He gets distracted by the teacher talking to the others and won't concentrate on his given task. The Psychologist said DS doesn't have any learning disabilities, ADHD or Aspergers. DS loves learning about astronomy and biology. He was obsessed with playing the States Game when he was 4 and Monopoly and Chess at age 5.

I'm a working mom at Fox TV Animation. I am of average intelligence but, am gifted in the arts.

Thanks for reading this!