I am interested to see it. I do worry about our schools frown I think the problems with our schools are mutli-factorial and agree that one cannot just point the finger at teachers.

One problem IMHO is poor curricula choices by school boards which dumb down education. I think there should be a rigorous return to a classical like education IMHO. Also, the state NCLB testing is a race to the bottom from what I understand since the tests have been dumbed down in many instances so that schools can meet the benchmarks. I also worry about teacher preparation in that I think much more focus should be on expertise in content areas and much less on how to teach. This should be coupled with apprenticeship with great teachers. Lastly, I agree that families are a big part of the equation. Perhaps there should be a stronger incentive for students to succeed (with the appropriate help from schools such as tutoring and IEPs when needed) such as not passing them along from grade to grade when they are failing.

I also think school choice in the form of public schools, charters, cyber charters, homeschooling with tax dollars available to support curricula choices if needed, and vouchers are a good thing smile In Belgium, I believe, school dollars follow the student with great success since the schools must attract the students. I support this since often local schools are tone deaf to parental desires IMHO.

My 2 cents smile

Last edited by classicsmom; 09/21/10 10:59 AM.