Originally Posted by momma2many
i did think about what you said...about those kids maybe getting more attention or help bc of this group that they wouldn't get otherwise. but she specifically said they would move on once my son got it....so i'm not really sure how those 2 things could co-exist. i don't know....
The obvious resolution is that they will only move on once *all* the children get it - and that they will pick the other children so that they can be pretty confident that your son isn't going to be held up by waiting for them. I hope your meeting clarifies everything! I'd also be hopeful that it could be a good thing all round. E.g., they might be saying to these parents "we're starting a small pullout group with enrichment work, and we think your child would enjoy it and benefit from it". These other children might then be "ringers" in the sense that they didn't themselves have problems sufficient to force the school to make special arrangements for them, but once in the group they'd all be equal members of it. At any rate I hope it's something like that!

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