Originally Posted by knute974
VT is not fun and it's a lot of work (especially if your program requires daily home exercises like ours did). You are trying to change ingrained patterns and coordinate muscles that probably have never worked together. If your kid does not understand the potential benefit (sometimes even if they do understand), it will be torture.

I totally agree, My son had VT therapy with mixed results (at age 7). It was torture - both the weekly sessions and the "homework". Although we initially saw improvement, it was not sustained over time.

On the other hand, although OT did not "cure" his visual integration and fine motor issues, it gave him strategies to be functional in the classroom and in life. As an older student, he has abandoned handwriting and now uses a laptop - the most efficient strategy over all.

I'd fight for a solid school based OT program and supplement it with private OT if you can swing the time and $$.