JHU - John Hopkins University's CTY, The are the local talent search for most of the NorthEast USA.

CTY - Center for Talented Youth

SCAT - an achievement or aptitiude test. When it's given Nationally to, say, 5th graders, it's an achievement test, but it's used by JHU for children 2 grades younger than the suggested group as an above-level aptitude test.

Hence my oft-repeated: "It's not that he knows as much as a 7th graders, it's that he's ready to learn what kids aren't usually ready to learn until 7th grade."

I may have some of the details wrong - so corrections please - most of the insight I got into above level tests is from reading the Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual, which I think is one of the best "Gifted 201" books around, independent of one's feelings about grade skipping.

Smiles -

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