There are many positive things that come out of taking advanced level tests, particularly SATs/ACTs. First is the "out-of-the-box" experience for the bright kid. Something different. Second is the feedback from the report they send telling about how the child compares to older kids taking the same test. Good for self-esteem and reality check. Third is practice and experience taking tests before they become part of the "permanent record"--scores will not appear on your child's record if taken before 9th grade. So, there's no pressure and kids can learn the process of test-taking and get comfortable with it. We all know that test scores influence which college you get into and scholarships (not an inconsequential factor when one has 4 children). Also, if their test scores qualify, the kid will be eligible for a huge array of summer programs/institutes. My son didn't have to take qualifying tests for EPGY or selective high school based on his scores (streamlines the process). The talent searches also send all kinds of books and information about programs for gifted kids to him, which are interesting to look through even if we're not going to do them at this time. Finally, somehow fancy prep schools put him on their mailing list and we've received several "invitations" to apply for scholarships to boarding schools across the country. It is fun to look at the brochures and talk to my son about them. He's not interested though. I had such a disfunctional home and would have jumped at opportunities like these, but I'm comforted that my son has no desire to get away from home at this point.