Originally Posted by Nautigal
(I'm not sure exactly how they would identify boys who needed skipping, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to know.)

My girls would be up a creek if they were placing them educationally based upon physical development. Dd9 will be 10 at the end of Sept. and still weighs about 55 lbs and is by far the shortest in her class. I guess that's what happens when you have a dad who is 5'6".

I wonder if all of the media attention on this case will cause the school system to rethink their decision. I also wonder if it is in part based upon the fact that the boy at the center of this situation attended private school up until now. I can imagine that the school system is wondering if he is really as able as he is being portrayed or if the school was teaching easy material and passing him through or if it is a parental ego issue and the grades were bought or coached... I could see a lot of possibilities coming to mind on the end of the ps since they have no personal track record with the child.