Originally Posted by Jimmysmom
Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I feel so much better and accepted. After I posted, I thought ...
I know, right? �It's just wierd and a little vulnerable to discuss our lives online where you can't really see each other. �You can't really see a reaction. �And you lose half your charisma by not being there. �But it's cool once you adjust. �Online forums. "The final frontier, these are the voyagers who seek out new life, a strange civilization."
Especially nerve-wracking to anyone who would make a post in a gifted parenting community. �Part of being gifted is trying to do everything right. �And part of trying new things is doing stuff wrong. �How embarrassing. �But cool at the same time.
I don't know if my guys hyper or just a three year old. �Is it ADD to run, climb a stool and jump off running back to the stool to climb it and jump off...or is that just a healthy active three year old boy? �Umm, that thing I suggested is supposedly an effective discipline plan for ADD kids. �It's respectful to the child. �And it works for non-add kids as well. �Anyway, I'm trying it.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar