I'm new here and sooooo hoping that you can help me!!

I took my daughter (Ana � 7) to a Psychologist for testing due to behavior concerns. She is VERY impulsive, hyper, talks non-stop, argues, gets angry, can't follow rules, always needs to be "first", constant humming, singing, mouth noises and can't sit still to save her soul. She annoys everyone around her and she is LOUD!! She can be over emotional and fails to see how her actions affect others. She "leaps...then looks." She is very literal and is QUICK to �correct� any and everyone she talks to. She thinks she has all the answers and constantly interrupts to give her opinion. She is very aware of everything that is going on around her�its amazing! These observations are shared by us, her school and our family doctor.

She was diagnosed with ADHD-Combined type and was put on Ritilan which has made a HUGE difference in her behavior when the meds are in her system. The biggest problems I have now are in the morning, evening and overnight (when meds have worn off). Pretty typical so we are seeking help.

That being said, Ana is a very loving, caring and sensitive child. She always wants to please. She is beyond adorable�.but maybe I�m just bias.

Here's my problem. I took her to a psychologist (different from the one who tested her as he no longer takes my insurance) for behavior therapy, and he questioned her ADHD diagnosis after looking over her WISC-IV test resluts. The red flag for him was her Processing Speed Index (131). He indicated that kids with ADHD usually have deficits in their PSI score. He thinks something else may be going on. I truly believe she is ADHD and maybe there are other issues too.

Is it possible to have ADHD with that high of an PSI?? Here are her scores (She was not medicated at the time):

Verbal Comprehension - 110 - 75th percentile - High Average
Perceptual Reasoning - 104 61st percentile - Average
Working Memory - 102 - 55th percentile - Average
Processing Speed - 131 - 98th percentile - Very Superior
Full Scale - 115 - 84th percentile - High Average

Sub Scores:

Verbal Comprehension

Similarities - 11 - 63rd percentile
Vocabulary - 12 - 75th percentile
Comprehension - 13 - 84th percentile
Information - 10 - 50th percentile
Word Reasoning - 11 - 63rd percentile

Perceptual Reasoning

Block Desing - 11 - 63rd percentile
Picture Concepts - 11 - 63rd percentile
Matrix Reasoning - 10 - 50th percentile
Picture Completion - 11 - 63rd percentile

Working Memory

Digit Span - 10 - 50th percentile
Letter-Number Sequencing - 11 - 63rd percentile
Arithmetic - 12 - 75th percentile

Processing Speed

Coding - 17 - 99th - percentile
Symbol Search - 14 - 91st percentile

She also took the Woodcock-Johnson-III. This test revealed that her �Reading Standard Score� is within the superior range. Her Math Calculation Standard Score� is within the high average to superior range. Her �Broad Math Standard Score� is within the high average to superior range.

Can anyone help me figure out what is going on here??? Ana is so very, very bright. I know she is destined for great things if we can find a way to focus her in the right direction.

If it matters, Ana was adopted, internationally, as an infant from Guatemala. She was in foster care for the first 15 months of her life. I have little information about the birthmother or her situation. She was not on formula while in Guatemala (powdered whole milk is par for the course there.) Nutritional issues may play a part. She is a very picky eater and takes forever to finish a meal (even if she likes it).

Any insight would be GREATLY appreciated!!