It's fun reading all of these responses! Some of them fit her so well....
Another biggie is "Do you want to..........................." stares off into space.
Or "Do you want to go! for lunch?", etc. She has that thing about trailing off in the middle of her sentences, or not thinking at all when she is talking, like one of you mentioned.
About whether a parent has it, I don't think I have any attention problems, and my husband... unless there is a special category for the engineer who about half of the time calls our son by our daughters name, daughter by our dogs name, etc, without even realizing, takes 10 minutes to respond when you ask them something, almost as if they spent the whole time processing the question, probably not. But I have to wonder about him sometimes.. even if not ADHD/ADD, *something* is a little off about him. (Keep in mind that he's *way* smarter than me, I'm pretty sure he falls well into the gifted range)