My eldest son was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago when he was struggling in school. Though he has never been diagnosed, we suspect he has other learning disabilities (we are trying to get him to get some free testing done that his college is offering him, but he probably never will).
Recently this got brought back up, and we started thinking about the fact that ADHD tends to run in families. We always suspected that DD14 had ADHD before school started because of her inability to follow through with tasks (doing chores, etc), but didn't think much about getting her tested for it because once school started she seemed to do very well.
Looking back, I still have to wonder if we should have followed that hunch. If she did actually have it, it would be the Inattentive type for sure, as she's always been *very* calm and actually hard to get hyper and excited about "crazy" things (loud noises, dancing, etc). (I remember her telling me how annoyed she gets when other people try to force her to dance and scream and other things which her ADHD and even normal-ish friends would be happy to do)
Having said that, I've begun to force her to repeat back my instructions to her because if I don't, she's not going to remember them.
She has about 20 books in her room, all on around page 10.
She will be playing with a yo-yo when I come back to check on how her "room cleaning" is going.
She does huge projects the night before, no matter how much she tries to do it before-hand.
"Huh?" is her most used word.
Her room is a mess.
And the list goes on and on...

The reason I don't know if she would be considered ADD is that she has some Anti-ADD seeming things about her.
The main thing being that she *can* focus if she's interested in something. She can tell me all about a teachers' lecture, or a video they watched at school. It's just that if she's *not* interested in something, she doesn't usually focus well.

Anyway, enough with that, I guess it all boils down to "Are people with ADD/ADHD (inattentive) unable to focus at all? Or is it just a matter of if they care about what's going on..."