Originally Posted by jenner
And now I'm afraid we might be going through something similar very soon--she's making her way through the Harry Potter series and is on book IV (?), in which Sirius Black dies. Her older sister said, "Boy, if that makes you sad, wait until you read Book V." DD just came down from being tucked into bed and said, "Mom, Dumbledore doesn't die, does he? Mom, just tell me now so I can go ahead and just be sad..."

My brilliant response? "Ummm, we'll talk about it in the morning..."
Sympathy! You're off by one in the volumes: it's HPV (Order of the Phoenix) where Sirius dies, and HPVI (Half-blood Prince) where Dumbledore does. And how do I know? Because DS6 has just steamed through HPI-IV and I'm trying hard to discourage him from reading on just yet, without outright forbidding it... He is not going to like Sirius's death at all - he's been filling in his holiday reading list with a sentence about each book, and they've been about Sirius since Sirius appeared.

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