I'm glad this topic came up, I was thinking of posting last week. I'm lost as well. Last year, my DS 5 asked asked me if there is really a Santa, or if the parents leave the gifts. I thought he had heard it from a kid at school. I asked him what he thought and he gave me a laundry list of logic reasons of why a jolly man in a sled couldn't possible carry that many presents. This year at 6 he told me that he believes that parents leave baskets at Easter and presents at Christmas for kids. My husband and I are split on this topic, my husband wants to draw out the belief as long as possible. I thought that as long as he asked then we could put it back on him by asking him what he believed. But when he told me he thought it was us a few weeks ago, I felt an obligation to gently let him in on the truth. I sort of danced around the whole spirit of Christmas and Santa is in our hearts, and I thought that might be the end of it for a while. But last week he started to cry and said that in Summer he doesn't believe in Santa, but when it gets closer to Christmas he does, and that he is afraid that if he doesn't believe, then he won't get presents (I think in part due to the well intentioned adults who have told him in the past that if he doesn't believe, then Santa just won't bring any gifts). I do feel strongly about being truthful with him, and I don't really see this any differently than other topics. But I think I may have to look at it another way, given the emotional investment he has obviously put into Santa. I'm curious to see what other say.