My son is doing algebra although only in elementary school, and I've been thinking about how to motivate mathematical study for him. This site may be helpful.

Mathematical and computational analyses have proved to be uniquely insightful for solving a myriad of problems in science, society and our everyday lives. Why Do Math highlights solutions to many of these problems in an engaging, layered, multimedia website and shows that an undergraduate mathematics education can be an entryway to rewarding and engaging career opportunities.

Current topics:

America's Cup
Alfio Quarteroni

Cochlear Implant
Joseph Skufca

Neuroscience Mathematics
Brent Doiron, Eric Shea-Brown

Space Travel
Shane Ross

Chris Budd and Cathryn Mitchell

Michael A. Jones

Patrick J. Van Fleet

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell