Hello all,

I feel really really silly posting here, but unsure where else I could post to just get this out. So here it is, please disregard if it seems like just another whiny post.:)

I have done really really well for over four years masquerading as a "normal" person. Not perfectly, but I found a job with a lot of quirky personalities who all graduated from good schools and I can have semi-good discussions with them. I feel like I fooled myself into feeling like I fit. The people are still the same. I still like them all. But, I am going through this, "Gosh, no matter how hard I try, I am not like them," phase. It makes me in equal parts annoyed at myself for being so egotistical to think that, and sad that I really want somewhere where I just feel "normal" for being me. Of course, I have never really fit, so it's kind of odd that I managed it for as long as I did. I guess I'm just posting to see if anyone else goes through this, cyclical mild depressions which sometimes you can pull yourself out of by gritting your teeth, but in the end kind of leave you feeling lonely.:/

Granted, by looking around and seeing other Gifted people at my job, I worry that I'm actually 2e and that's why I feel like I don't fit...or perhaps (I know my IQ but I hate to talk about it) that I am MG and therefore, even being surrounded by Gifted people, I am still out of place.

Last edited by Artana; 06/28/10 07:33 AM.