Hello, everyone!

My name is Annetta Roselyn, but you can call me Annetta. wink I'm on this because I might be gifted, and because my sister (Violet) is twice-exceptional, and it's fun to talk about her like that. smile Not in the bad way!
I like things like anime, manga, writing (I'm on julnowrimo and nanowrimo-ywp), drawing, painting (or "The Arts" as my sister calls them wink ), and other stuff...:) But I don't like math!!! I'm horrible at it!! (I always just manage to pass with B's and C's in it. wink )
I keep wondering if I'm gifted. smile Violet says you don't mind if I ask, so I'll just ask!! I think I might be gifted because...uh, well...I catch onto things fast, I have a long attention span (on things I'm interested in), I'm sensitive (Violet says that's a gifted-characteristics; research smile ), I'm very curious (there's this character in a book who's very curious, and one of my friends told me that I'm the name of that person), I'm a perfectionist (sort of), I'm energetic (at times, mostly around Violet), people say that I'm really funny (at times), I read a lot, I like justice :), (sometimes) I'm mature, I'm an observer (in second grade, I called it "looking"), I have a vivid imagination (sometimes), and I'm creative (a lot).
Well, I'm not gifted, because I don't have a long-range memory, and my non-official IQ tests tell me that I'm very, very, VERY, dumb (not 20, but, like, 60 or something :P ), and in my gifted math class, I'm not good (D in 4th quarter, but B's in the rest), in the gifted reading class, I'm always a few points from perfect frown , and, well, I can't think of anything else. frown I just don't feel gifted! frown

Thanks! And hello everyone! smile
