Originally Posted by momma2many
we met with the principal, showed her our testing and his work samples and the principal actually wanted to put him in first grade, but said k with accommodations would have to do for social reasons. (and i agree.)

The weirdest thing about our kids, is that their needs keep changing. What works this year needs to be celebrated. It may not work next year. Flexibility is key. It's great the the Principal is able to see your son's academic needs and would have liked to put him into 1st grade. Perhaps after a month or two, he will be able to go up to 1st for reading and math. Some kids got to half day Kindy in the morning and join the first graders after lunch.

If it were me, I would be tempted to hothouse the social skills over the next few months, so that when your son asks to 'jump' again, he'll be ready socially. Some kids find an academic situation that fits them and are ok socially. Some kids sort of get pulled between their academic needs and their social needs and end up in a middle ground that works or not. Some sleepwalk through school at their social need level and get their intellectual needs met after school. There are probably as many different paths are their are gifted children.

It sure is messy though!

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