I understand your stress. We have family members who do not want their 9 year old to leave our yard when she comes over to visit. Our DD7.5 is allowed to ride her bike/scooter outside our house (its a small dead-end subdivision) and walk to her friends' houses (up to 10 houses away). These family members are aghast and were really upset when we let their DD play outside the front of our house with our DD when we were not right out there with them (I was in the living room and could see them out the window!). The last time she came to visit the first thing she said was "I'm not allowed outside unless you are with me." Like it had been drilled into her head.

Honestly, it is one of the main reasons we don't arrange play dates at our house. I have a toddler and I can't sit in the front yard constantly.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery