Ha! This is what I love about this board. I can so totally relate to this line of thinking. I always find these small talk compliment exchanging conversations so excruciatingly painful!

My least favorite "compliment" is "Have you lost weight?". For a long time after graduating high school (not so much since I had kids!) when I would run into an old classmate they would ask me if I lost weight. I was always thinking "No - but the rest of you seemed to put on 20+ lbs since graduation. And PS, thanks for insinuating I had weight to lose!". Unless someone brings up their own weight loss, I'll never ask. I might say "You look great".

Another little interesting tidbit I've noticed since having kids. We get ALOT more comments/compliments on our DD than DS. I think women just tend to notice girls more. They totally look like siblings. DD does wear flashier clothes, likes big hideous things in her hair, and enjoys dancing in public. But even when she's hiding behind me, grandmas seek her out. It's kind of weird.