
My DD is competitive also, over everything. Over time she has learned not to participate if she thinks that she can't handle it. Recently we were at a birthday party and they were going to play musical chairs. She immediately became upset, didn't want to play. The birthday boy's mom, noticed what was going on and said, 'don't worry, we play cooperative musical chairs. Each time the music stops and we remove a chair, we all help each other and sit on each others laps.' They had a great time, it was so so lovely. I wish the whole world worked like this. We don't do any win/lose, right/wrong, around here. No marks at homeschool. We try to focus on effort. Thanks so much for your reply. I'm going to look into more computer based learning. She often does much better on the computer. I haven't been promoting computer learning because it typically doesn't fit well with Montessori, however, our approach is ultimately eclectic, and at the end of the day I will do what works best for DD.
