He sounds so much like my sone now 11. DS always seems to take activities and feelings to the MAX. However, he does not do it with the intention of garnering attention, or causing problems. It just seems to be the way he is wired. At 5 I was in despair that he would ever be able to control himself appropriately. Now at 11, he has gained some ability to self regulate. Not so much that he still isn't the most out there of the group, but enough that he rarely causes harm to anyone.
We did work on how to recognize what is calm and then degrees to out of control. It was a long fristrating process, but with some hand signals that we worked out and taught to his teachers, he did get alot better over time. Another thing you might want to look into is a program called How Does Your Engine Run. We had limited success with it, but many have said it was greatly beneficial.