That's good, KD-- hopefully the counselor will put you onto a good track.

Just so you are forewarned: A regular counselor or psychologist may or may not be equipped for what you need. Since your DH agrees to it, it may be a good start-- and yet depending on that counselor's qualifications, it may or may not be the solution you are looking for. Give it a go, and keep your eyes open.

We had DS in talk therapy with a regular psychologist for something like a year (age 4-5); after that year the psychologist recognized that she wasn't doing nearly enough for him and got us into the autism clinic of a children's hospital, which is where we should have been all along.

If you're thinking it's ADHD, you may or may not find these resources helpful-- they're geared toward Asperger's/autism: . There is a Local Resources link where you can search for experienced diagnosticians.

It is hard to get a correct diagnosis for a kid whose smarts can mask the disability, and hard to find the right professionals to help. You may need to use all your parental ingenuity on this.

Kudos to you for persisting.