Originally Posted by keet
I used to think that middle school and high school would be great learning opportunities for my ds who is gifted, dysgraphic, ADHD, and small for his age, what with the choice of classes and honors/AP courses. After talking with parents who actually have kids in middle school, I'm thinking I'll be lucky if he gets through without major damage to his self esteem and body. Can anyone tell me some positive middle school stories?

Keet, is your DS typing well yet? if not - - time to pull out the positive reinforcers!

My son reversed his undeachievement in 6th and 7th grade, after skipping 5th, and yes, his 100wpm typinig helped him keep up with the older kids! 8th grade he had friends and lots of fun stuff to learn. Middle school can be good or bad, it's hard to know what will happen until it happens.

Good luck,

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