Flower, my dd is quite a bit younger than your dd (she was 5 at the time of the glass prescription, and has since turned 6).

She was an early reader who reads quite a bit above grade level (her kindergarten teacher just assessed her as reading at the 5th grade level). I took her to be evaluated because, at the time, I knew she *could* read and comprehend books at a much higher level (she loved to listen to them on cd) but almost never chose to do so. There was something about the process of reading that was proving challenging to her. She would complain of, "too many words on the page" or her eyes being "tired."

The doctor explained that in my dd's case, she had a tracking issue and a focusing issue. The prism glasses would help with the focusing - getting both eyes to work together. For the tracking, the doctor said we could eventually do some vision therapy, but thought some of the problems would resolve themselves as dd's eyes matured. The doctor said she has seen this problem before in gifted readers -- if dd was a ND kindergartner, we would not have noticed the issue because she wouldn't be asking her eyes to do rows of tiny math problems or read pages of small words.

Already, in the 6 months since we got the glasses, I have noticed dd needing them less and less. I really think the glasses helped her get over the hump and convince herself she could read longer material.