Hi Irisheyes, they could be similar. My DD sees 20/20 also so there is only the prsim in the glasses. Here is a link that I have found that describes what they supposedly can do..


My daughter does not complain of letters jumping around, but dyslexia runs strong in my family. When she was in 1 - 3 grade she was always underestimated in her reading skill. I found out that they tested her by having her read out loud. I knew from listening to my daughter that she had a really hard time to read out loud and hated it. She would skip the little words, the, an etc. and change words. I always tested her for comprehension which seemed alot more important. After I found how they assessed reading I spent hours having her read out loud to me and working with her. The biggest one was helping her not to skip lines or re-read lines. So supposedly the glasses can help this kind of tracking. She is an avid reader. She read Harry Potter in 2 grade with full comprehension. I could ask her for some details and what happened and she got it right.

Has your DD gotten benefit from her glasses?

The doc. says she will only need them about a year. He said it was an impressive jump in reading effiency as demonstrated by these goggles that counted her eye movements.