There has been several closing and reopening of the Pokemon Kingdom for DS9. Most recently, He made a deck for his sister (who just started playing with him) and she messed it up by mixing with a big pile of cards. DS got mad and punched her on the top of the head. It all just got to intense. So I put all the pokemons stuff away.

He keeps bring up that I have been mean to him and don't want him to have fun. I respond it is his actions that have caused the Pokemon to be put away. This is typical. I think he doesn't want to take in his mistake so he blames me. I told him his is confused and needs time to get more mature to deal with this.

His Pokemon organizing gets so big it can take over the play room despite my efforts with trays and the activity table.

I really do like Pokemon for him. It's a great connection with his best buddy.

DS went to visit a Potential School. They were having a fun day. They played pokemon alot. He skipped his lunch to play. Which can be trouble. It's just such a big obsession.

The Problem is not really the Cards, it's his intensity/drive, and emotional management.

I could really use some parenting advice here about this situation. Is this something he just can't have because the problems repeat?