We have a new rule no trading, exchanging or winning cards. The cards have been put away for the week. Hopefully they can still have fun with the cards.

Ironmom - My son can be very intense too. Here's what has helped. I have given him lots of time outs over the years that helps. Time out is not a punishment here - it is to gain control.

Look for teachable moments and notice and tell him when he has good selfcontrol. Tell him the self control is in him he needs to believe in himself.

Sometimes when my DS had the big reactions I found it was best just to walk away. We can talk better when everyone is calm.

After the whole summer of missing out on certain computer games my DS just got the privilege back. I warned him he must keep it together or he will be done with those games again for a long time. I told him I know he can do it. I'd like to see him have fun with the games but if they are not right for him now they are out. He knows I mean business and he has been just fine.

I would try to get outside and have some one on one time and love him up. That goes a long way. When things got bad we would go to the zoo or park. A very relaxed day helped.

Hope this helps. It's a long process sometimes - hang in there.

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/02/09 08:11 PM.