Originally Posted by Grinity
Is the public school, perhaps with a gradeskip or some subject accelerations (or both) an option?

Is there a different private school that might be more willing to see things your way?
Unfortunately, the public school is not an option. We'd have to move, and even then we think that our two little fish would not fit in the very large public school pond here. DS8 is a pretty anxious kid, so small seems to work well.

We talked with the other private schools around here last summer. They threw out the "all children are gifted" reply. We asked if there were other kids at a similar level as DS, and we heard that grouping kids of all abilities together is much better for all of them.... Definitely not worth the very high price tag or the change.

Originally Posted by Grinity
One tip is to schedule meetings at the end of the school day, when the interested parties might be willing to agree to 'anything' just to be able to go home.

I like that one. Too bad I can't invite them over for appetizers and drinks. I'd be sure to make them double-strength and get everything in writing. wink