Hi Wren,

It's great that your school is willing to consider this!

I don't have experience with using CTY as a pull-out at school (yet). I'll be watching this thread with interest to see if anyone else chimes in.

We're currently planning to propose to our school that they allow DS to use CTYOnline at school (not schoolwide as a program). I contacted CTY last week. They were very responsive. I requested and very quickly received a CTYOnline packet to provide the school. I found it to be a little more generic than I'd hoped, but they did also send a hard copy course list, which I think will be helpful at our meeting. At my request, CTY also provided the name of a reference at a school currently using CTY, so that someone from our school could contact them if desired.

CTY has a "CTY In School" Department, which is who you want to contact. The person with whom I spoke and corresponded was quite helpful.

Best of luck! Fingers crossed for you!