Hey mom06,
Welcome! Good for you for being an involved Parent!

Who did the testing? Were they able to talk about what each subtest is meant to measure? Would they schedule an appointment to review the scores with you?

Did they explain that most people score between 75 and 115 on each of these subtests? By that reasoning, your son's scores are mostly in the average range, with the Verbal being the strongest.

A child with a profile like this might be a bit maddening in that they are clearly in the 'top 20%' of an average group of same age children when they have a conversation with you, and yet when you try to get some schoolwork out of them, they seem much more like 'average.' Your son may have noticed this himself and it might be a source of frustration or shame.

Does this seem similar to what is going on at your house?

Sadly, there is nothing so practical as guidelines such as 'which reading program is good for which kids' with which subscores. Which ones have you tried so far?

Every kid (and adult for that matter) does best when they are interested in what they are learning. Have you tried getting him reading material that is topical to his interests? I know that some reluctant writers have flowered when posting on Internet message boards about their favorite computer games. (Not that I'm a fan of unrestricted Internet, but it does have it's uses!)

If you tell us more about what he likes, we will wiggle our brains and try to come up with creative ways of 'hiding the academic vegtables.' Will he text message with you?

I also have a personal bias, which is to encourage reading aloud, or provide wonderful audio books to children who are having trouble with the mechanics of reading so that they can further develop their love of language while they are waiting for the mechanics to fall into place. If you have any long family car rides on the summer schedule, you may want to visit a good local library and chat up the librarian for books you can play in your car. Sometimes the best way is to model having an interest and the children can get caught while they are snooping. I just did this with my son, age 13, and the audiobook of 'Three Cups of Tea - young people's edition.' My son had no interest, but got hooked while I was listening.

I've taken 100 wild guesses here - I hope some of them are useful, and none of them are offensive!

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com