Thank you for the replies. It has been happening pretty much the whole school year with some Fridays being worse than others. We experience the same thing here MsFriz with the developmental leaps, just as you described, but this Friday thing is more constant, although noticeably worse when going through such a spurt. I've asked DD several times over the course of the year if she likes school, what parts are fun, etc...and she always says it's good, without telling me much more. My best guess is that she is a mild extrovert and enjoys the social aspect of school and tries to be friends with everybody, though she has yet to make a close friend. I think when she is at school she is in hyper attentive mode, paying attention to everything and everyone. It's almost like learning anything academic is secondary. I guess we were thinking that if she was very bored she would be acting out, which she did in preschool. But maybe she is bored and has just switched her focus on to figuring out the social aspect of school.