Hello, new here, I posted recently about my DD6 after receiving her WISC IV results and got some great feedback. Now, I am assessing DD's current school situation and it occurred to me that every single Friday afternoon/evening she has a major meltdown. Sort of like a huge decompression. It can last for hours. She has always been intense but we haven't seen these sort of meltdowns since she was having problems in preschool. The next morning she wakes up and immediately begins doing any intellectual activity she can get her hands on, workbooks, math games/activity books, crosswords, logic puzzles, games, jigsaw puzzles, etc. I am wondering if all this could have something to do with school not being very challenging for her? Has anyone else experienced something like this with their DC? Maybe there is no correlation or it speaks to something else? She has had a great year and we have just been happy to not have any problems but perhaps I should have been paying this more attention.