Thanks for all the kind words.

I probably should reiterate that it's very possible his writing skills really would be problematic in a demanding program. So they may have made the correct choice based just on that. Also, during the period they were evaluating his application a 3rd grader in the local school system brought a gun to class and it was discharged. I can see how that might have spooked them.

So I'm trying not to drive myself nuts second-guessing their decision. But you called it, Cricket2 - I am more than a little irritated by their suggestion that his abilities in general are second grade level.

I also have an application in for his 9 y.o. brother. He's yet to be interviewed, but given the comments about my younger son I'm not feeling optimistic. My older son is not as quick, but more the intellectual type. Has a greater love of learning. Maybe they will consider him a better fit.

My younger son is 3rd on the waitlist at a charter school so that may come through. I also toured our local elementary and I likes it better than I thought I would. I would be comfortable with that for a year, but not long term.

Last edited by JaneSmith; 05/19/10 09:13 AM.