Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by Irisheyes
I just wanted to send a big virtual *hug* your way.
Me too. I hope all is well, but it may not be, things being how they are. Our children do learn that there is 'a time and a place' for certian topics, and you might want to pencil it in sometime this summer - not until this is water under the bridge, for sure.

My son has a list of 'things not to kid around about in school' but couldn't have understood the need for the list at age 7, but by age 10 he started to 'get it.' He still says things that I wish he wouldn't occasionally. I think it's part of being a kid.



Thank you, your thoughts are mirroring my own. Obviously, I should have had paid more attention to instilling the concept of an appropriate time and place - but I never anticipated such severe consequences for not doing so!

We are addressing it but (as you imply) I don't want to browbeat him about it, especially as he was quite pleased with himself and has never been admonished not to write a violent story. I don't want to make him feel too bad (he did really wanted to attend the school) but I want him to learn not to sabotage his opportunities.

At the least we will have learned from this experience.