I don't think you are being dismissive. I don't know how much you know about the program, but here is a quick synopsis. Music Together has very small classes. Today there were only 5 children other than Bear and one of those was an infant. None of them were rowdy or antagonistic. There is no expectation for the kids to perform or even join in if they don't want to. Classes are only about 45 min. It is about the most low stress organized kid thing that I have ever experienced. In fact that is why we chose it for him because we felt he needed to start working on some type of interaction with other little ones.

It's not just one class. This is how he is about class every week. This is how he is on playgrounds and at birthday parties. When he said he wanted only him, me, Wolf and Daddy he meant EVER. That is what breaks my heart... I don't think it is him being introverted because he doesn't really seem that way at home. I'm pretty introverted myself and that just doesn't ring right for him.

Last edited by Wyldkat; 05/12/10 12:19 AM.