I would take your DD's comment about not wanting to stick out anymore and take it straight to the principal as a reason that you need to work out the details of a grade skip this month, before school ends. If you're nervous about it, you could always present it as, "I know that you would like to wait until next year to deal with next year, but DD is really feeling the stress of having to fit in, and waiting to begin the grade skip process until next year will only serve to call more attention to her among her classmates. If we could get the details of a grade skip down now so she can begin the year in the new grade along with the rest of her classmates, she will more easily be able to blend in." Perhaps it would be good, too, to approach them as if it is a fact that she is going to get a grade skip, not something you still need to discuss further, and instead focus on which teacher she will be assigned to and what, if anything, she could work on over the summer to make the skip go more smoothly.

Good luck with the effort. Hang in there!

Last edited by mnmom23; 05/10/10 09:42 AM. Reason: grammar

She thought she could, so she did.