Grinity, those are great questions!

He's especially interested in math, but I'm afraid to let him keep working his math books since he's already so far advanced. He does play chess, but doesn't have anyone to play against other than me and the computer. He likes to draw and paint, and has painted some ceramics. He also loves animals and conservation issues, he is an avid Whale Wars fan and wants to sail on the Steve Irwin one day and knew every member of the family in Meerkat Manor. He also loves sports, cooking, playing the Wii and even gardening. I don't think he's met anything he doesn't like- except school, LOL.

I do have some science projects/experiments planned for this summer and have ordered a Snap Circuits set for him. He loves to build things, draw things, LOVES weather (would watch The Weather Channel for hours if I'd let him). Unfortunatley, we don't live that close to a planetarium, but he has really enjoyed it the times we've been so far.

The Earth Science book sounds like a great idea, and I do need to check out the local homeschool groups- things I've never thought of. Thanks so much!

As far as school, yes, I've already signed him up for the private school. It's really the best option in our area (Texas public schoolsare mostly a nightmare), and they've even hinted without any prompting that a grade skip might be an option at some point. We'll see.

Thanks onthegomom- those are great too! I knew parents on this site would have great ideas! smile

on 2d edit- I can't believe I forgot to mention his music! He takes piano lessons, loves music and likes going to the symphony and theater. Just wanted to add that in case others might have ideas relevant to his musical interests!

Last edited by MonetFan; 05/09/10 07:46 PM.