Originally Posted by Isa
On the other hand she told us that DD will have to get used to the school situation because for the time being is not going to change. Her teacher will not modify her curriculum, not because she should not, but because she simply will not do it (this was the words of the psi, I have not talked to the teacher yet).

This is very sad. I hope you find a better school for her. Is homeschooling possible there?

Originally Posted by Isa
She told me as well, that as far as she does not speak a perfect Dutch, they (teachers in general) will hold this against her and think she is 'stupid' (well, I think she meant not intelligent).

I could see where she is coming from. People often equal the ability to speak foreigner language with intelligence. From my own experience I can tell that one gets treated very differently if she cannot speak the local language well enough. Hopefully your daughter's Dutch will catch up with her classmates soon. Kids at this age usually do amazingly well.

Good luck
