Well, clearly, you must be crazy for daring to question their superior judgment.

If you are just now getting a follow-up to your PRE-Christmas meeting (counting months on my fingers...) I'm betting your son will be knee-deep in 4th grade next year before they take the next step... which might be only to say, "We're awfully close to the end of the year, let's just wait until next Fall."

If his scores suggest he should be skipped, and you think he should be skipped, and the IAS recommends exploring the skip... and he wants to skip... then making your poor kid muddle through 4th grade math with even more glorious detail probably won't go over too well with him.

As for changing up the spelling words, BAH! If he's anything like most of the kids I hear about 'round here, that'll only cover about ten minutes a week. And I bet he'll still have to do all the related class work. (And you just know the teacher will love having to give a separate spelling test each week.)

I'm sorry if I sound a bit cynical. But it's just been one of those days/weeks/months/years.

If the school can't offer a full-time GT program within the sacred "age-based" level to challenge your fella all day, then I vote a serious exploration of a grade-skip.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz