They put my son on the list, but I have the feeling that there are others on this list too and I don't expect many spaces to open up.
As far as my kids showing signs of higher intelligence early on, I have to say that they almost seemed like they had a low IQ. I did all the 'right' things, reading to them, talking from the time they were infants, but both were slow. My daughter didn't even start verbalizing or understanding language until after age 2. Every child I encountered who was her age at the park was developmentally further along. Some things gave me hope that they weren't somehow disabled. They both loved jigsaw puzzles and worked on them together. Also, my son had a great knack for video games, playing very well for a small boy and my daughter was great with all the television technology that my husband has set up.
The whole thing is strange and I have to keep reminding myself that my 'slow' son is actually bright and maybe even more.

Last edited by connieculkins; 05/01/10 05:55 PM.