Originally Posted by Dad
oh and one more thing - her teacher will be looping with her into 3rd grade.
The real question is 'should your daughter be doing 3rd grade next year?' Perhaps she would be better off moving to 4th with a few subject accelerations? As you say, the school day 'should' be for learning so your daughter can 'be a kid' in the afternoons.

One reasonable step is to have your DD spend a day or two getting a Psychoeducational Evaluation, if you can find a local psychologist with extensive experience in gifted kids. Theoretically this professional could guide you and the school as to proper placement for your DD. Sort of a way to help you get individualized advice without reinventing the whole wheel.


I don't know
Elizabeth Mika Chicago area
e-mail elamika@yahoo.com, phone: (847) 543-9550
but I see that she has been spoken about very highly in many places.

Is there a Mom or other co-parent in the picture who might help take on the research duties? It's great if everyone can get on board more or less at the same time, although not necessary.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com