Oh, you didn't seem curt at all. I was looking for real honest possiblities, and you gave them to me. It was a good answer. I don't like things sugar coated generally anyway. I will post the results once I have them, incase anyone is curious. At the end she made a couple comments about him doing "really well" and then it seemed like she hesitated and backpeddled and said something about doing really well sitting for that long. Then she asked if I happened to have his report card with me, and said she'd be very curious to see what kind of comments his teacher made. She also said maybe he could teach a class on creative reasoning becasue he pulled the answer "91" to a question that he figured out on paper in the most bizarre way. She thought there was no way he would get the right answer, then it was right?

I would be embarrased to discuss this in real life, so I'm rambling here. I'm totally overanalysing everything that was said, first in one direction, then in another. That must be the real reason parents shouldn't be in the room. Because we (I) are crazy. LOL. I feel like I'm waiting for an U/S result....boy or girl? :-D