Thanks HannahZ

You have reassured me somewhat. Hopefully it is just a 6th grade boy thing or a "stage". Do you know much about the IQ and achievement testing to tell me if you think that his scores warrant further testing to look for an LD? Do you know anything about how dysgraphia can be accomodated at school? Hopefully someone else will let me know about IEPS for ADHD. Maybe I'll post a new thread for that.

The only thing the school suggested for his organizational stuff is for me to either look at upping his ADHD meds, or having me come in once a week to clean out his locker and meet with the teachers. I want HIM to be accountable, not me, and his meds are right where they should be right now!

I will ask around about an achievement center type option. We are in the Northwest, not in NYC unfortunately and I haven't heard of anything from anyone.

Thanks again!!