You mean about being 7 for the APD test, Kriston? Think it's because their nervous system are supposed to be more developed by then, and they can more accurately measure the discrepancies between what is and and the norm. Son went through that as well. He's fine.

The neuropsych eval - the psych thought he might have ADHD. She thought the eval would be a good springboard into looking at how he thinks. We never got past the 1st segment cos he couldn't sit still, lol. Still, our psych thinks it's at worst mild cos he has good focus when he's interested.

I used to not believe in labels but have found them to be so useful insofar as looking for treatment was concerned. And don't worry - trust your gut - just find out what you can first. The manifestation can be mild, which makes you feel like you're being ultra picky about maybe even nothing. But I'm all for clearing the road so that life/learning can carry on smoothly. The worry is that if these issues are not dealt with, it could become more serious later on as other habits become ingrained.
