We are in the same boat as you with Mr W (27mos). He can count to 100 and can read about 50 different words in both Spanish and English. He has a photographic memory for faces and names and music.

About 6 months ago we did a lot of searching and realized that no school is going to do it all and that he was getting much of the academic side at home. So, we changed our criteria to find a place where he would be with older kids, that was flexible, and whose program was as different as possible from home. We found a wonderful Montessori program for him. They noticed his abilities the first week and have worked individually with him since.

So far, so good. He loves it and they let him read and do his own thing while the other kids learn their ABCs and numbers. (They have to distract him otherwise he blurts out the answers..)

He is loved by all the kids and staff - mainly because he is so social and remembers names and faces. He does weird out some parents, but his smile and flirty nature wins them back.

Given the reading we have done on here, this may be OK for a few months or another year or two. We just have to play it by ear.

Our next step may be to add in a tutor in the mornings before going to Montessori school. We also researched local schools and just recently moved into a local school district that has a special program where they put PG kids together starting in Kindergarten. He'll be eligible for early entrance in two years. But we'll just have to see.

Last edited by Austin; 04/23/10 08:11 PM.