Ds 5 is homeschooled through a public homeschool program.
He is working in 1st grade. Lots of it has been really easy, some perfect like math, and some things like science a little pointless and obvious. So I add my own stuff, to give him more learning opportunities.
Anyway, my question is whether he could handle another grade skip in just science and Social Studies. Which were both way too easy, starting next school year. I don't know how much writing is needed in those subjects at the 3rd grade level. He writes well enough, better than age i believe, but he hates to write, and often will think up the shortest possible way to answer a question he has to write an answer to.
His school is very flexible in letting you teach your child the way you want, so i doubt the skip would be a problem there. I just need to figure out weather a 6 year old will be able to handle 3rd grade science and social...
any advice?