yikes, that would help, eh? Excessive excitement, enthusiasm, energy (seen as hyperactivity); persistently asking questions (seen as fixating on a particular topic); imagination and creativity and thinking outside the box (seen as not paying attention to the task at hand); strong emotions (crying or "over-reacting" to situations that don't warrant it); sensitivities to noises, lights, reprimands, corrections (seen as being immature and over-reacting); independence and self-direction (we were told he did this because he couldn't communicate his needs properly...maybe he has just always know what he wanted and just did it himself).

Another is not an OE, but something I have seen parents post about their gifted kids is his disinterest in age-appropriate toys...preferring online math quizzes for example...which is an early sign of an ASD (the disinterest in toys, that is).

That's a start of the list. Nan